Congratulations to our Daily Attendance Winners!
16 days ago, Ellen Simon
Daily Attendance Winners
We have received the latest weather update, and in light of the information, we have made the decision to cancel classes and all events for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, 2025, as a precautionary measure. The makeup day for students and staff will be Monday, February 10, 2025. Classes will resume at an hour-delayed start on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. For the latest information, please visit our weather updates page: Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
16 days ago, Ellen Simon
Weather Update
Weather Update
McAllen ISD has decided to delay the start of school on Tuesday, January 21 and Wednesday, January 22. Schools will open at the usual times to accommodate parents who need to drop off their children earlier. Bus routes will run 1 hour later on Tuesday & Wednesday. McAllen ISD will continue to monitor the weather and provide updates.
16 days ago, Ellen Simon
Weather Update
Weather Update
Last Week our Winning Warriors truly showed what it means to be a Warrior. Congratulations to Ciara Lopez, Penelope Fiscal, Isabelle Gutierrez, Juan Lujano and Santiago Tamez for working hard! Keep up the great work.
16 days ago, Ellen Simon
Winning Warrior
Winning Warrior
Winning Warrior
Winning Warrior
Winning Warrior
COLD WEATHER COMING! Monday - Wednesday, wear comfy clothes and bring a blanket and stuffed animal to help keep you warm. Due to exceedingly cold weather, McAllen ISD has adjusted the school schedule for the week.
17 days ago, Ellen Simon
Cold Weather
Cold Weather
Cold Weather
Due to exceedingly cold weather, McAllen ISD has adjusted the school schedule for next week. The schools will provide a warm environment with a nutritious breakfast and lunch for all students.
18 days ago, Ellen Simon
Weather Update
Weather Update
Congratulations to our Attendance Winners for this week! We are so proud of you!
19 days ago, Ellen Simon
Weekly Attendance Winners
Congratulations to Emarie who has recently joined the 100 point Warrior Reader Club! She recently did an awesome job representing Wilson at Battle of the Books this week. Readers are Leaders! Congrats Emarie! 🎉
19 days ago, Ellen Simon
100 Point Club
Congratulations to our daily attendance winners! Attendance matters, Go Warriors!
20 days ago, Ellen Simon
Daily Attendance Winners
Our Wilson Warriors did an awesome job representing our campus at Battle of the Books yesterday. Katie, Emarie and Dante read 4 books and quizzed on over 100 timed questions. Congrats to them for working so hard! 🎉
20 days ago, Ellen Simon
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books
Mrs. Roman’s kindergarten class went outside during Sci Tech to draw & to write about their favorite kind of weather! They have been monitoring and keeping track of the weather every day this week! Science is so fun!
20 days ago, Ellen Simon
sci tech
sci tech
sci tech
sci tech
sci tech
Our Jr. Battle of the Books Team did great at their competition today! Our first graders were 7th out of 18 teams! 🎉. Congratulations to our team, we are so proud of you!
22 days ago, Ellen Simon
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books
Battle of the Books
Congrats to our 1st Fourth Grader in the 100 point Warrior Reader Club. Vianette Flores has been working hard reading her way to success! We are so proud of you for meeting your goals! Readers are Leaders!
22 days ago, Ellen Simon
100 Point Club
Our Perfect Attendance Luncheon is THIS Friday. An Invitation will be going home with your student if they had perfect attendance during the 3rd six weeks of school. We are proud that these students made attendance a priority. Go Warriors!
22 days ago, Ellen Simon
Perfect attendance
Join our Wilson Elementary School Family, we are hiring! If you or someone you know is interested in the P.E. Coach position at Wilson, please contact Principal Garcia. We look forward to welcoming a new team member!
22 days ago, Ellen Simon
We Are Hiring P.E.
Congratulations to Katie T. who has recently joined the 100 point Warrior Reader Club! She is doing an awesome job reading and will also be competing for Battle of the Books this upcoming week! Readers are Leaders! Congrats Katie!
23 days ago, Ellen Simon
100 Point Club
Our Weekly Attendance Winners! Keep up the great work, Warriors!
26 days ago, Ellen Simon
Weekly Attendance Winners
Congratulations to our Winning Warriors of the Week. We are so proud of Danna Tijerina, Adalynn Alvarez, Alessandro Gaytan, Luz Roldan, Gilbert Tijerina, and Raphael Soto for truly demonstrating what it means to be a Winning Warrior! Keep up the great work!
26 days ago, Ellen Simon
Winning Warrior
Winning Warrior
Winning Warrior
Winning Warrior
Winning Warrior
Winning warrior
The TEA Emergent Bilingual Student Support Division is hosting a series of virtual events for parents and families of emergent bilingual students in Texas. Our Mcallen ISD Bilingual Department will host a watch party event at which our parents can attend and benefit from the valuable information provided during this event.
27 days ago, Ellen Simon
Family Engagement
Family Engagement
Congratulations to our Daily Attendance Winners. Keep up the great work, Warriors!
27 days ago, Ellen Simon
Daily Attendance Winners