History of Wilson
Our school was named after the 28th United States President - Woodrow Wilson - who served from 1913 to 1921.
The original building was built in 1920 and was one of only 3 schools in McAllen ISD.
First named "The North Ward School", later the name was changed to "Wilson School", which as of today is the official name of the school, and does not include the word "elementary".
The very first Principal was Miss Vera Armstrong and the staff consisted of only 9 teachers.
The current Principal is Dr. Kristine Garza and the staff has grown to over 60 staff members.
Before 1957 African American, White and Mexican students were segregated and sent to separate schools. After the Supreme Court desegregation ruling, Wilson School became the first integrated school in McAllen ISD, as well as the Rio Grande Valley.
On January 2, 1968 President Johnson signed the Bilingual Education Act and Wilson School received funding to pilot Bilingual education.
Former teachers that first worked at Wilson School later had MISD schools named after them, Dorthea Brown Middle School, Victor Fields Elementary and former Thigpen Elementary, which was later combined with Zavala Elementary and is now known as Thigpen-Zavala Elementary.
In 1988 the first school was torn down and a new school was built. Several bricks from the original school were used to memorialize the initial Wilson School.
Historia de la Primaria Wilson
Nuestra escuela fué nombrada después del 28 Presidente de los Estados Unidos – Woodrow Wilson- quien sirvió como presidente de 1913 hasta 1921.
El edificio original fué construido en 1920 y fué una de la únicas tres escuelas en el Distrito Escolar de McAllen.
Inicialmente fué nombrada “The North Ward School”, luego se le cambio el nombre a ”Wilson School”, el cúal hasta la fecha permanence sin incluir la palabra Primaria.
La primera directora fué la Srita. Vera Armstrong y consistía de solamente 9 maestras La directora actual es la Dra. Kristine Garza y el personal ha crecido a más de 60 personas.
Antes del año 1957, estudiantes de diferentes razas como, Afroamericano, Blanca y Mexicano, eran segregados y enviados a diferentes escuelas. Después de la decisión de la Corte Suprema, la escuela Wilson fué la primer escuela sin separación racial en el Distrito Escolar de McAllen, así como también en el Valle del Rio Grande.
El dia 2 de enero de 1968, el Presidente Johnson firmo la Ley de Educación Bilingüe y la Escuela Wilson recibio fondos para poner a prueba la educación bilingüe.
Maestros/as que primeramente trabajaron en la Escuela Wilson tienen escuelas en el distrito escolar de McAllen nombradas después de sus respectivos nombres, Dorothea Brown Middle School, Victor Fields Elementary, y la antigua Primaria Thigpen, la cúal hoy es conocida como Thigpen-Zavala.
En 1988, la primer escuela fué derribada y una escuela nueva fué construida. Varios de los ladrillos de la escuela original fuerón utilizados para conmemorar la primer escuela Wilson
“Wilson Warriors, where our vibe attracts the tribe.”
Maroon and Gold